Construction Manager-At-Risk
Brownwood Independent School District
Brownwood ISD invites qualified firms to submit qualifications for Construction Manager-at- Risk services for the May 2023 Bond Program Locker Room Renovations & Additions that includes the following: Renovation of athletic locker facilities at Brownwood Middle School; renovation and addition to athletic locker facilities; ADA improvements for spectator gym seating at Brownwood High School. Interested firms will submit qualifications and proposed fees. Upon receipt of the qualifications, the District will schedule an interview with the selection committee. The deadline for submitting a response to the Request for Qualifications is on or before April 25, 2024 @ 2:00 PM CST.
Mail, or hand deliver responses to (No Faxes or Email):
Tammy Gray, Bond Program Manager
Physical Address:
Brownwood ISD
2707 Southside Drive
Brownwood, TX 76801
The RFQ package may be found at the website
Questions and additional information may be obtained from Tammy Gray, at (325) 643-5644 Ext. 1207. Brownwood Independent School District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submissions, to waive any formalities and irregularities in the submissions received, and will accept the response(s) determined to be in the best interests of the District.