The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Brown, Mills, and San Saba Counties are partnering together to conduct a Private Pesticide Applicator Training April 23rd in Brownwood, Texas.
The training will be at the Brown County Extension Office, 605 Fisk Avenue. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The training will be from 9-noon.
The training is specifically for those seeking a Texas Department of Agriculture private applicator license and is not a continuing education unit training.
The license is required to buy and apply restricted use/state limited use herbicides and pesticides.
The Texas Department of Agriculture requires this training prior to being tested for a private applicator pesticide license, also issued through the agency.
Individual registration is $50, due upon arrival. The training is limited to the first 20 pre-registered. Participants are asked to RSVP so that course materials will be available.
To pre-register and for more information contact the AgriLife Extension Office in Brown County at 325-646-0386.
San Saba County Pecan Field Day
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the San Saba County Pecan Growers Association will host the annual Pecan Field Day on Monday May 6th at the San Saba Civic Center, 1190 Thomas Stewart Drive. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 o’clock. There will be a $50.00 registration for those who pre-register by calling in and $70.00 at the door if you didn’t call. Lunch will be grilled pork loin, boiled red potatoes and green beans prepared by the District 7 County Extension Agents.
Speakers for this year’s program: Scott Anderson, Brown County Extension Agent- Laws & Regs; Greg Wilson, Extension Entomologist, San Angelo, will discuss Pecan Integrated Pest Management; Monte Nesbitt, Extension Horticulture Specialist, will present Pecan Pathology and Orchard Floor Management. Dr. Holly Davis, CERTIS Biologicals, topic will be Understanding Biologicals. Taylor Osbourn, County Extension Agent, Llano County, will discuss Feral Swine Management & Kaput.
Several commercial exhibitors will have equipment and products available for your consideration. Time during the program will be allowed for you to visit with these supporters of our educational effort. Capital Farm Credit, Moore’s Service Center, Corteva Agri Sciences, J.C. Smith Company, Womack Nursery Company, Heartland Crop Insurance, United Ag & Turf, Southern Nut ‘N Tree/PPI, Helena Agri-Enterprises, and Central Texas Farm Credit are those we know of currently.
Five Continuing Education Units have been approved by the Texas Department of Agriculture. These are for those of you with a Private, Non-Commercial, or Commercial Applicator License. (2 General, 2 IPM, 1 L&R) This annual Field Day has been well attended for many years. Plan to attend and invite someone interested in the Pecan Industry. Please call the San Saba County Extension Office at (325) 372-5416 to pre-register by noon Friday April 19th..