The Texas Department of Public Safety on Sunday morning issued its preliminary report on a one-vehicle accident that took place at 2:26 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 on FM 3115, 15 miles north of Miles, that claimed two lives.
The preliminary investigation revealed that a 1995 Ford Explorer Sport sports utility vehicle was traveling south on FM 3115. The driver of the vehicle drove off the right side of the roadway, took evasive action, steering back toward the roadway (left) causing the vehicle to go into a side skid and overturning. Both the driver and passenger were unrestrained by a seat belt and were ejected from the vehicle. Conditions were clear and the road was dry, the report added.
Joe Ernest Rose III, 27, of Bronte was the driver of the vehicle and a 15-year-old juvenile male passenger of Miles were both pronounced dead at the scene by Justice of the Peace David Sellers.