BrownwoodNews.com sent five questions via email to the two candidates running for the position of County Commissioner Precinct 1 in Brown County during the March 2024 Republican Primary. The following are the answers submitted by the candidates:
How long have you been a part of the Brown County community? – To what extent have you been a part of local government?
Gary Worley and his family moved to Brownwood in the spring of 1963 where he has since lived in the first precinct. There was a period in time when he lived elsewhere while attending Tarleton State University, but otherwise, Brownwood is home. In 2012, Worley was elected to the position of Brown County Commissioner of the first precinct and has been re-elected for additional four-year terms.
What is your vision for the future of Brown County? – What changes would you advocate for and why?
Worley seeks to keep the safety of the first precinct road crew and jail crew as his top priority when thinking of the county’s future. As far as potential changes are concerned, he intends on maintaining IT updates to eventually get every county office running on the same software to further allow county business to run smoother.
Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Worley stated, “I believe I have the ability to look at both sides of any issue and determine which side is best for Brown County. Most recently, however, if it is best to let the voters of Brown County decide what they want.”
What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? – What areas need improvement and why?
Specifically pertaining to the county budget, Worley believes this is the biggest challenge and will always be such. In the last ten years, the county tax rate has gone down however, the state-controlled property appraisals have gone up, according to Worley. “We all strive to be good stewards of our money. We try not to raise the county tax rate,” said Worley.
What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? – In your personal life?
Within his career, Worley believes his accomplishments have been to replace worn out equipment and initiate updates to the newer kind, maintain county roads, working with the first precinct road foreman on road repairs by working with what’s in the budget, supporting the Sheriff’s department regarding the advancement of increased pay for increased certification, and helping to advance the IT department to help Brown County adapt to the cyber world. Nonetheless, Worley concludes to say that his family has been the greatest accomplishment by far.
Click here for more on Gary Worley
How long have you been a part of the Brown County community? – To what extent have you been a part of local government?
Kirk Chastain has been active in Brown County all his life, graduating from Brownwood High School and Howard Payne University. As far as his involvement within the community, Chastain has been coaching and teaching for over 30 years in Brown County.
What is your vision for the future of Brown County? – What changes would you advocate for and why?
Chastain’s vision for the future of the county is to continue its growth and revitalization. When speaking of increasing a police presence in the rural portions of the community and surrounding areas, he believes this is one way to instill change. Chastain also believes it would be important to search for an avenue to fund additional personnel in that regard.
Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Beginning with his strengths, Chastain says he possesses general knowledge of budgeting and financing which goes hand in hand with his ambition to fund additional personnel. As for his weaknesses, Chastain said though it won’t take long to learn the exact process for the position of County Commissioner, he believes not yet knowing such information may be considered his weakness.
What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? – What areas need improvement and why?
Maintaining a good condition for the county roads, “seems the biggest challenge and the area that needs improving”, said Chastain.
What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? – In your personal life?
Within his career, Chastain stated that his greatest accomplishment has been “to influence and mold young people into being upstanding and respectful citizens.” Moving onto a reflection of his personal life, Chastain believes his greatest accomplishment has been his personal walk with Jesus Christ and coming to understand that the Lord is guiding him in all that he does.
Click here for Kirk Chastain’s Full Bio
Early voting will take place Feb. 20 through March 1 at the Brown County Elections Office, located at 613 N. Fisk. Election Day is Tuesday, March 5. Keep up with all of the Local election news HERE.