November 18 – Brown County Youth Fair Workday 8:00am at the Youth Fair Barns
19 – Cen-Tex 4-H Meeting 5:00pm at Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Office
20 – Deadline to Enter San Angelo, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, & Texas Elite Stock Shows
23-24 – Extension Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays
28 – Consumer Decision Making Informational Virtual Meeting 5:00pm
December 2 – Brown County 4-H Project Show at the Youth Fair Barns
4 – Deadline to Enter the Brown County Youth Fair
22 – 25 – Extension Office Closed for Christmas Holidays
30 – Brown County Youth Fair Workday 8:00am at the Youth Fair Barns
- The deadline to enter Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Texas Elite Gilt Show, and San Angelo Stock Show is November 20th.
- This will be your opportunity to enter the Brown County Youth Fair at this time. We are setting a deadline to enter the Youth Fair on December 4th.
- You must be enrolled in 4-H.
- Quality Counts need to be completed/up to date at the time of entries.
- Must have social security number at the time of entries.
- Payment is due at the time of entries (Cash or Check Only).
The Brown County Youth Fair is approaching fast. If you are planning on entering the Livestock Division and/or Home Economics Division of the Youth Fair, you will need to fill out an entry form at the Extension Office. Below are a few other things that must be done to participate in the Brown County Youth Fair. Below is a check list for you to go by to make sure you are covered.
- Enroll in 4-H.
- Attend Validation (have your animal validated for county or state)
- Purchase a Youth Fair Membership (this is mandatory if you are entering livestock or home economics)
- Fill out an entry form for the Brown County Youth Fair (Deadline to enter is December 4th)
Brown County 4-H Project Show, December 2nd.
The Brown County 4-H Project Show will be held on Saturday, December 2nd at the Brown County Youth Fair Barns. Entry fee for the show will be $10.00 per head for cattle, sheep, goats and swine, $5.00 per head for rabbits, and $5.00 per head for jackpot showmanship (showmanship will be broken up into juniors & seniors). You must be enrolled in 4-H to participate in the show (clover kids can participate). If you use a pen, it is your responsibility to clean it out before you leave. The schedule is below. If you have any questions, please contact the Extension office.
7:00a.m. ———-Barns open
7:30a.m. ———-Purchase Weight Cards
8:00a.m. ———-Rabbit Show will start at 8:00a.m. in sheep and goat barn.
8:30a.m. ———-All weight cards for sheep, goats, swine, & rabbits must be turned in
9:00a.m. ———-Begin Show (order: sheep, goats, swine, cattle)
10:00a.m. ———All steer & heifer entry cards must be turned in
Workdays are:
November 18, 2023
December 30, 2023
January 20, 2024
January 27, 2024
Times will be 8am start until noon or when jobs have been completed.
To see more rules and dates go to browncountyfair.net youth fair link to see the updated rule book.
Two weekends prior to show and two weekends after the show exhibitors must participate in at least ONE of these 4 workdays. Participation is mandatory in one of these 4 days to receive premium checks from Brown County Youth Fair Premium Auction in addition to having required thank you notes to buyers. Appropriate attire is mandatory, which will be jeans (long pants) and closed toed shoes. In the event you were unable to participate in at least one of these workdays you must write a one-page essay as to why you were unable to attend and present it in person at the February board meeting to the entire board of directors for consideration.
Consumer Decision Making educates participants on becoming smart shoppers, making sound decisions, and public speaking. If you are interested in Consumer Decision Making or finding out more information about this project, there is going to be a virtual informational meeting on November 28th, 5:00pm at the Extension Office. Please fill out the form below if you will be attending the meeting.https://forms.office.com/r/KWiEPkAK3K
If you are a senior in high school and plan to apply for the Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship, District 7 4-H is offering training opportunities. We encourage juniors, sophomores, and freshman to attend to start learning about the Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship. Below is the date for the upcoming trainings:
- November 28th – 6:30pm at the District Office 7887 US HWY 87, San Angelo
This training will also be streamed via TEAMs for those not able to attend in person. (TEAMS link will be sent out later) and it will also be recorded if you cannot attend in person or TEAMS.
For more information contact the Extension Office.
2023-2024 Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship
The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program and the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation is once again pleased to offer to our senior high school 4-H members and current college students the opportunity to apply for an Opportunity Scholarship through the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation. This year Texas 4-H members can apply for scholarships in three areas, baccalaureate, courageous heart, and technical. Former Texas 4-H members will be able to apply for scholarships through the collegiate scholarship program. Information can be received through the Brown County Extension Office or downloaded from the Texas 4-H Foundation website at: https://texas4hfoundation.org/types-of-scholarships/
2024 Texas 4-H Foundation Opportunity Scholarship Important Dates
November 1, 2023 – Application will be available online
November 30, 2023 – Submit your intent to County Office if you plan to apply
December 14, 2023 – Due for County Review
February 15, 2024, by 11:59 PM – Deadline to Apply
April 26 – April 27, 2024 – Interviews in College Station
May 2024 – Award Notifications
June 4 – 6, 2024 – Scholarship Banquets in College Station
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
SHP is a national organization that is made up of volunteers that build, assemble, and deliver brand new twin beds or bunk beds to kids in need.
We have a local chapter in Brownwood and are always needing volunteers.
Ways to Help
- Donate new bedding
- Help with bed builds.
- Nov. 11th 8am @ Quality Body Works
- Help deliver beds.
- Donate money
Bedding needed
- Twin size mattress pad
- Pillows
- Twin size Bed in a Bag set – include fitted sheet, top sheet, pillowcase, and comforter.
Link with more information https://shpbeds.org/chapter/tx-brownwood/
Sign up today to volunteer https://sleepinheavenlypeace.my.site.com/Volunteering/s/
Good Samaritan
Ways to Help
- Travel size personal hygiene items (soaps/deodorants/toothbrush) – they make bags for the homeless. I collect them from hotels to donate.
- Plastic bags
- Egg cartons
- Volunteer – contact Stacy at 643-2273
These are great community service opportunities for 4-H Clubs and/or 4-Hers needing community service hours. For more information you can contact the Extension Office.
The enrollment process for the 2023-2024 4-H year begins August 15, 2023. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll to become an official 4-H member.
As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
- If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
- If you lost your email and password, call the county office so we can reset, it for you.
- An active membership will not be granted until the $25.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
- You cannot register or participate in an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
- When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- For any youth who is joining 4-H in 2023-2024 for the first time as a 3rd/4th grader we ask for you NOT TO ENROLL until September 1st. September 1st is the actual first day of the new 4-H year and what is used to calculate grade/age. If a 2nd grader moving into 3rd grade enrolls before September 1st it will “tag” them as a Clover Kid, not charge an enrollment fee and lock them in as a Clover Kid for the year.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $30!!
The Texas 4-H fee schedule is below:
$25.00 – Club Member Enrollment Discounted Fee: August 15 – October 31
$30.00 – Club Member Enrollment Regular Fee: November 1 to the completion of 4-H year
$10.00 – Clover Kid Enrollment Regular Fee
$10.00 – Adult Volunteer Application Fee