Brookesmith ISD is excited to announce the opening of the School Book Fair. The Fair will run from Monday November 13 thru Friday, November 17, from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 pm.
We will stay open until 6:00 Wednesday evening, which is Parent’s Night. And remember, WHENEVER a parent accompanies the child, we take 20% off your purchase! If you have
questions about the fair, please call Librarian Ms. Teresa Contreras at 325-643-3023 extension 134.
Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet – your child’s digital payment account. Set up eWallet for worry-free and cash-free purchases. If you share your child’s
eWallet with friends and family, they can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy. When kids choose their own books, they are empowered and inspired to read more.
And, as always, every purchase at the Fair benefits our school! So come! Encourage your child’s reading and help our school. It’s a win-win situation! For more information
about eWallet, please visit our school website at www.brookesmithisd.net.