In a short meeting this morning, Brown County Commissioners gave approval to a budget amendment requested by District Attorney Michael Murray. The budget amendment is to fund a new position “Victim Assistance Coordinator” in the District Attorney’s office. The requested budget amount is $48,840, which Murray explained breaks down into $33,000 salary and $15,840 benefits. The cost for the new position will be reimbursed to the County by a two-year grant from the Texas Governor’s office. Renewal of the grant can be applied for every two years. Murray has hired Laura Hammond for the new job of Victim Assistance Coordinator.
Commissioners also discussed calling for a special election to fill the unexpired term of Justice of the Peace, Precinct One. The JP1 position was recently vacated by the resignation of Justice of the Peace Doug Hurt. No action was taken today, and the special election, plus the possibility of appointing a new Justice of the Peace, will be discussed at a future Commissioners Court meeting.
Also, Commissioners agreed to take no action on a burn ban, leaving the current No Burn Ban in place.