At Monday’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, approval was given to a new County budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year. The new fiscal year will run from October 1, 2023 through September 30,2024. The new budget totals $33,808,466, an increase of 8.32% over the current budget of $31,212,556.
As part of the budget process, Commissioners also approved the various ad valorum tax rates. The total ad valorum tax rate will be $0.45223, down from the current rate of $0.48495. The total ad valorum tax rate is made up of three parts:
*** Maintenance and Operations: $0.35806, down from the current $0.38538
***Debt Service: $0.02578, down from the current $0.02593
*** Road and Flood: $.06839, down from the current $0.07364
Although the tax rates are lower, ad valorum tax collections are projected to be 3.57% higher ($712,615) than the current year because of higher real estate appraisals. Also, new properties on the tax rolls are expected to produce $1,475,489 in new tax collections. The ad valorum taxes will generate approximately 75% of the total budget revenues. The balance of revenues will come from “local sources, fund balances, and state payments.”
Other votes that received approval from the Commissioners on Monday:
*** An increase in salaries of elected County officials of 6% (the same as all County employees)
***An increase in the inmate housing fee for out of County inmates to $65/day from the current $50/day. The rate for in-County inmates, such as from Bangs and Early, will not change from the current $35/day. This fee adjustment was requested by Sheriff Vance Hill.
*** Increase of Constable service fees. The Citation fee will increase to $100, from the current $85. The Writ fee will increase to $175, from the current $150. The on-scene Forcible Detainer fee (minimum on-scene of 30 minutes) will increase to $50/hour/officer, from the current $35. This is the first increase of these fees in at least ten years, according to Constable Roy Parrack.
*** An update on Indigent Defense schedule fees for Appointed Attorneys for Brown and Mills Counties, requested by District Judge Mike Smith.