The Stagecoach Event Venus issued the following information Monday morning:
The last weekend of October, the 27th-29th, the Stagecoache Event Venue will be hosting a huge 3-day event – Pumpkin Palooza.
Stagecoache will have a pumpkin patch to raise funds for the local foster care ministry, Knit Together. 100% of the proceeds from the pumpkin patch will go to Knit Together.
Stagecoache will also be hosting the Connie T. Smith Animal Center during a dog Halloween costume contest for an adoption event before the evening concert.
First Baptist Church has partnered with Stagecoache as well offering carnival games, hot coco, and hay rides to help raise funds for their pre-teens to go to church camp this year.
The Early High School seniors will be setting up a “haunted trail” they will open to the public all 3-day to fund raise for project graduation.
Stagecoache will also be having vendors, food trucks, a small petting zoo, a movie on the lawn, trunk-or-treating, local talent show, lawn mower races, and a free admission concert by the Zak Webb Band.
The goal for Stagecoache with this event is to bring the community together in a family friendly environment, while supporting local non-profits as well.
Stagecoache is asking our local businesses to join us in supporting this event by sponsoring. This is a great way to give back to the community, and help our local non-profit businesses.