I went to a local gym to workout this week for the first time in a very long time. I give myself a solid C+ on staying in shape. I exercise, but not as much as I should. After my workout, I left the gym feeling like I had just conquered Mt. Everest. I felt great about investing in myself. Unfortunately, when I awoke the next morning, I felt like I had been thrown off Mt. Everest. I was stiff and sore, even my hair hurt.
The first thought that popped into my mind was the saying; “No pain, no gain.”
It became clear that if I want to get into better physical condition, then pain and discomfort will be involved. Nothing I didn’t already know, but I wish getting results was not so painful.
Consider this, pain and discomfort are always involved in some form or fashion when one is trying to accomplish anything in life. It’s not just physical pain; it can also be emotional pain, and you may experience both at the same time! Whenever you push mind and body to do a little extra, then pain and discomfort will be present.
Pain and discomfort create doubt, and always question you by asking if the sacrifice is worth it. They whisper in your ear, “Hey, you don’t have to do this, nobody will care if you quit.”
But you choose to adhere. You determine to put in the long hours at the gym, the library, the classroom, the office, the field, etc. You choose to start at ground level and work your way up the corporate ladder. You choose to embrace the painful and uncomfortable sacrifices that are necessary because you realize they are the gateway to the person you wish to become.
No pain, no gain.
Can you remember some of the physical and/or emotional pain you endured to achieve a goal or dream? Was it worth it? Absolutely. Did you feel like quitting? Absolutely.
To enjoy the gain of sacrifice, one must endure the pain and discomfort of making a sacrifice.
For me, I keep telling myself the sacrifices I am making in my life will be worth it.
I could have avoided the pain and discomfort of working out by not going to the gym. It’s easy not to try, but by “not trying” I may be sacrificing my health. So, either way, something is being sacrificed.
As you set out to achieve a goal, know going in there is going to be unseen challenges. Accept it, embrace it, feed off of it.
I’m going back to the gym, not because I enjoy pain and discomfort, but because that’s the price I have to pay to get what I want.
Sweat, the most important ingredient of success.
If you don’t produce it, then you are satisfied with less.
Do you really sweat? I mean really bust your tail.
Or do you kid yourself, teaching others how to fail?
Sweat doesn’t come easy; it starts from within.
Sweat is liquid courage, a prerequisite to win.
Tired of being average? Just barely getting by.
Set your sights on sweatin’ and reach for the sky.
Taste it in your mouth, let its salt be your meal.
Push your body to its limit; try sweatin, for real.
Sweat, it’s gasoline that feeds your inner fire.
Stay focused and remember, anyone can perspire.
I want to be more than I am right now, there is no secret formula for that.
No pain, no gain. If you know how to improve without it, let me know.
Todd Howey is a columnist for BrownwoodNews.com whose articles appear on Fridays. Email comments to [email protected].