Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service in Mills County is hosting a landowner series. Session #2 will be held on August 25th 9am-Noon at First Baptist Youth Center 1319 Fisher St. Goldthwaite, TX. If you hold a private applicator license there will be 2 CEUs offered.
Topics to be discussed:
- Supplemental Water for Wildlife
- Predator Management & Feral Hogs
- Wildlife Food Plots
- Basic Weed & Brush Control
To pre-register contact Mills County Extension Office at 325-648-2650.
Thursday, August 24th is the date for the Big Country Conference in Abilene, TX at the AEP Big Country Hall (Taylor County Expo Center). The conference will be offering a total of 3 CEUs if you hold a private applicator license and 4 Realtor TREC credits. The cost of the conference if pre-registered is $20 or $30 at the door, cash or check only. The registration fee includes lunch.
Topics Covered:
- Where is the Cattle Market Headed?
- How to get the Most Grazing out of Cool Season Forages
- Making Pasture Rangeland & Forage insurance Work for You
- Has El Nino Saved us from Drought? Weather Outlook & Forecast
- Texas Fence Law
- Waters of the U.S. Rule-What does it mean for you?
- Carbon Credits-What are they and what is on the horizon?
- Feral Hog Toxicants – Updates on research trials & labeling.
- Herbicide Laws & Regulations
To pre-register contact the Taylor County Extension Office at 325-672-6048.
Tuesday, August 29th is the date of an Ag Landowner Laws program being conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The program will be held at the Adams Street Community Center, 511 E. Adams St. in Brownwood from 2-4pm.
The speaker will be Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Extension Ag Law Specialist from Amarillo. She focuses on legal issues affecting Texas ag producers and landowners. She will be discussing key laws Texas landowners need to know.
Lashmet is a highly sought after specialist so this will be the only opportunity for most folks to attend one of her presentations in our area this year.
The ag laws program is open to anyone interested. There will be a $10 registration fee payable in cash at the door. Refreshments will be served sponsored by Brown County Farm Bureau.
Anyone planning to attend should RSVP by August 25th by calling the Brown County AgriLife Extension Office at 325-646-0386 so that refreshment plans can be made.