At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, the biggest item on the agenda was a proposal to purchase a new boat for the Lake Patrol of the Brown County Water Improvement District #1. Lake Patrol Chief Mark Davis addressed the Commissioners, and explained that one of their boats is a 2014 Crestliner fishing boat, that was modified for their use. It is a fiberglass boat, and is now in poor condition and needs to be replaced. The Lake Patrol would like to have a heavy-duty aluminum hull boat, designed for Public Safety and Law Enforcement duty. The cost of such a boat is approximately $100,000, and the District is requesting money from the County’s ARPA funds. ARPA stands for the American Rescue Plan Act, a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 2021 that provided funding to local governmental bodies for COVID-19 related expenses, but now can also be used for other things such as agriculture, nutrition, education, public health, transportation, and public safety.
When asked how much of the $100,000 cost they were requesting, Water District Manager John Allen said they would take as much as the Commissioners would support, but he suggested a 50/50 split. Allen reminded the Commissioners that while the Lake Patrol performs operational tasks for Lake Brownwood, they also provide law enforcement duties on the lake, the expense of which would fall to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department, if the Lake Patrol did not do it. Also the District and Lake Patrol assist the Sheriff’s Department with training, search and rescue on land, etc.
County Judge Shane Britton said that the County’s remaining ARPA funds have a number of requested uses. The Commissioners are currently working on the new budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, and he suggested that the funding request for the new boat be tabled while they work through the budget process. In the budget workshops they can decide how best to spend the remaining ARPA funds. The Commissioners agreed and voted to do that.
In other business:
*** The Commissioners voted approval to a request from Ron Keener, pastor of North Lake Community Church, for a Brown County Church Revival to be held on the Courthouse lawn on September 16. Keener and his church held a similar revival event on the Courthouse lawn last year on July 31.
*** Approved applications to install private water lines by Brookesmith Special Utility District on CR 226 and CR 498.
*** Approved an Order of Special Election to be held on November 7, 2023. This election will be for amendments to the Texas Constitution, including an increase in the Homestead Exemption to $100,000 from the current $40,000, which would lower homeowner’s school district property tax obligation.
*** Approved a list of Presiding and Alternate Election Judges for elections between, September 1, 2023 and August 31, 2025. The list was provided by Elections Administrator Brenda Arp, and has the approval of both Brown County Democratic Party Chairman Mike Bullard and Brown County Republican Party Chairman Robert Porter.