At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, approval was given to the purchase of a new van for the Brown County Veterans Administration clinic. The local VA Clinic ferries patients twice a week to the VA Hospital in Temple for medical treatment. The current van is a 2012 Ford with 250,000 miles on it, and is worn out and not safe, according to Harold Stieber, President of the Central Texas Veterans Memorial. The Commissioners agreed to purchase a new 12-passenger van from Bruner Auto Group at a price not to exceed $45,415 before discounts. A three- to six-month waiting period is expected for the new van. The money for the new van will come from the opioid settlement funds received from the State of Texas.
The Commissioners also heard a request for funds from the Brown County Museum of History. In February the Commissioners toured the Old Jail building of the Museum to see the needed repairs. Today Museum Board Members Beverly Norris and Dennis Maynard asked for money for only the most immediately needed repairs. Fifteen windows need repair for a cost of $5,168, and seven exterior lights need to be replaced at a cost of $3,825, for a total of $8,993. Norris and Maynard did not ask today for funds for other needed repairs, which include 28 additional windows, termite damage, outdoor steps, the flagpole, and ADA accessibility. Commissioners approved today’s request for an amount not to exceed $9,000.
In other business today:
*** Commissioners approved an Agreement of Understanding with the Brown County Youth Fair Association for the usage of Fair facilities for emergency management use and housing of the Brown County Communications Trailer.
*** Approval was given to electrical repairs at the Oaks Rite of Passage building in the amount of $4,250.
*** Approved a request from Brown County Agent Scott Anderson to change the back door lock on the Extension Service building, and to add two new door locks between the office area and the warehouse area.
*** Heard a request from Carl Boivin and Jerry Sims of the Brownwood Community Garden for $5,000, to offset some of the expenses of operating the garden. No action was taken today on the request, Commissioners will consider it at a future meeting.