The Comanche County Museum Welcomes All to Honor Mothers & Enjoy Sunday lunch on Sunday, May 14th, 2023 from 11 am – 2 pm. We will serve a delicious menu: Salmon Patty Croquets, Meatloaf, Ham, Brisket with Bar-B-Que sauce, Noodle Bake, Red Beans, Green Beans, Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Macaroni & Cheese, Rolls, Cornbread Salad, Pea Salad, Carrot Salad, Spaghetti Salad, Cabbage Slaw, Pistachio Salad, Ambrosia, Pink Fluff, Cherry & Peach Delight, Banana Pudding, Texas Sheet Cake, Cake with Strawberries & Whipped cream, Lemon Pie, Chocolate Pie, Tea & Water. The museum is located at 402 Moorman Rd., West of Bayer Motors. 325-356-5115. comanchecountytxmuseum@gmail.com. Silent Auction for pies. By Donation Only. Thank You. Your Generous Donations are Appreciated