(In the photo – left to right – Pat McLaughlin III, Grants and Government Affairs Coordinator for Brown County; Brown County Judge Shane Britton, Deputy Chris Williamson; Lt. Pete Bastardo; Sgt. Chris Angel and Brown County Sheriff Vance Hill)
Ballistic shields, designed to stop rifle bullets, are now in use by the Brown County Sheriff’s Department.
Largely in response to the May 24, 2022 Uvalde school shooting, Governor Greg Abbott announced allocation of $50 million for a statewide Bullet/Ballistic-Resistant Shield Grant Program.
“The Governor put together a grant program which was quickly initiated and made it aware to us that we could get the ballistic shields for our law enforcement department,” said Pat McLaughlin III, Brown County Coordinator for Grants and Government Affairs. Brown County, in concert with the Office of the Governor, secured $68,595 of grant funding for 15 of the shields.
“I’m excited to finally receive these shields. We’ve outfitted all of our patrol cars with them, that way we will be able to respond to whatever active shooter situation that may arise. I appreciate the Governor’s Office and the County Judge’s Office for assisting us with these shields. Hopefully we’ll never have to use them but we’ll be able to if we need to,” said Brown County Sheriff Vance Hill.
From left – Deputy Chris Williamson, Lt. Pete Bastardo, Sgt. Chris Angel and Brown County Judge Shane Britton who is examining one of the new shields.
“Brown County is excited to work hand in hand with the Governor’s office to secure equipment and training for our front-line law enforcement officers. We will continue to do all we can to maintain the safety of our children, teachers and schools in Brown County,” said Shane Britton, Brown County Judge.
Officers who receive these shields must have either 16 hours of ALERRT Training (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) in the past two years or commit to attending in the next two years. ALERRT is designed to equip first responders with effective strategies to respond to active attack events.