There is an election that is underway right now for early voting, and it will be on the ballot in the month of May. It’s the bond election for the Brownwood Independent School District and there’s been a lot of conversation about it. I’m not going to get real involved because I wasn’t asked to get real involved, but I do care. When I was the ‘Voice of the Brownwood Lions,’ it just didn’t seem right for me to be real involved. But today, I’m not even the voice in my house, but I am free to speak, so here goes.
I read a lot about this bond election and I have decided that I am in full support of it! There may be a detail or two that I don’t really care about, but it’s the whole thing that matters, and it’s the whole thing that matters to me. There will be kids effected by this bond election that probably haven’t even been born yet, and certainly I’ll never meet them, but I care about the kids today and I care about the kids in the future. I believe this bond election is important for them. I know that there is opposition out there and I can’t do anything about those people. I know that they have lots of people that are going to vote so it is important for us to vote as a group – as a family – because we need a lot of people to vote for it. So, I just beg you, either now or on election day, May 6, to vote and let your voice be heard. It’s vitally important! I think it’s important to our schools. I know it’s important to the kids, and I think it’s something that this District desperately needs!
I have not been asked by one single person to endorse this. Period! I’ve read it. I believe it is important for the Brownwood Independent School District to have this bond election pass. I think it’s extremely important for the kids and let me tell you in closing, I don’t have a kid, a grandkid, or a great grandkid in this District. I’m supporting this because I care about your kids, the kids yet to come, and I will support all of them as best I can in the future. I think it’s important that we pass this for them.
In closing, I can relate to most of you because I’m certainly not rich – moneywise. I’m not blessed with lots of money but blessed in so many other ways. I’m just like one of you. I have no new vehicles. I have no swimming pool. I have nothing like that. I’m just a common everyday person who used to be on the radio. I believe in Brownwood and I believe in the people of this town. I also believe in the kids that need the support of ALL of us. God bless.
Until next time, so long everybody.
‘Out of the Box’ with Dallas Huston is published each Monday morning at BrownwoodNews.com. Dallas was the radio voice of the Brownwood Lions and Howard Payne Yellow Jackets for more than 55 years. He currently is Pastor of Center City Baptist Church and hosts a Men’s Bible Study in Brownwood on Monday evenings. Your comments are welcome at [email protected].