The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Brown, Mills, and San Saba Counties are partnering together to conduct a Private Pesticide Applicator Training April 30th in Brownwood, Texas.
The training will be at the Brown County Extension Office, 605 Fisk Avenue. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The training will be from 9-noon.
The training is specifically for those seeking a Texas Department of Agriculture private applicator license and is not a continuing education unit training.
The license is required to buy and apply restricted-use/state limited use herbicides and pesticides.
The Texas Department of Agriculture requires this training prior to being tested for a private applicator pesticide license, also issued through the agency.
Individual registration is $50, due upon arrival. The training is limited to the first 20 preregistered. Participants are asked to RSVP so that course materials will be available.
To pre-register and for more information contact the AgriLife Extension Office in Brown County at 325-646-0386.
We’re nuts about Texas peanuts
It’s a nutty month. And no, not because our Texas weather can’t decide if it should be winter, fall, spring or summer. But because it’s National Peanut Month.
And Texas is the fourth-largest peanut-producing state in the nation.
Salted. Fire roasted. In a cookie or inside chocolate. Stuffed between two slices of bread. Or in a Coke. Peanuts are a Texas, and American, staple.
And we get to enjoy them all year long. Especially during the upcoming baseball season, where peanuts are a major league snack.
But what about your craving for a peanut butter sandwich? According to the Texas Peanut Producers Board, the average kid will eat 1,500 peanut butter sandwiches by their high school graduation. Yes, you read that right.
And one acre of peanuts is enough to make 30,000 sandwiches. In Texas, where farmers harvest an average of 160,000 acres of peanuts, that’s enough to make 4.8 billion peanut butter sandwiches! Hungry yet?
Almost 90 million jars of that tasty snack are sold annually. That’s about 3 jars of peanut butter per second!
With those numbers, it’s no surprise that peanut butter is the leading use of peanuts in the U.S. But they’re also used as an ingredient in other products like shaving cream, soap, cosmetics, shampoo, rubber and detergent.
The shells are used in livestock feed, wallboards, and cat litter.
And did you know two peanut farmers have been elected president of the U.S.? That’s right. Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter were both peanut farmers.
But the most surprising fact about peanuts? They’re not actually nuts. They’re legumes—like beans and peas.