At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, approval was given to authorize Brown County Judge Shane Britton to sign a contract with Goldsmith Solutions for Information Technology services. The contract will be for three years. The first year cost of the contract will be $297,280, subject to minor adjustments negotiated between Goldsmith and Britton. The costs for the second and third years can be adjusted, based on need.
Earlier in the meeting the Commissioners heard from Jameson Russell, owner of Legacy IT in Early. Russell expressed disappointment in not being considered for the contract. Britton and Commissioner Joel Kelton said that a technology committee, made up of several persons within the courthouse, spent a great deal of time considering the technology needs of the County and reviewing the several possible providers. While they believed that all the providers considered were qualified, their conclusion was that Goldsmith was the most qualified of the bunch. Goldsmith Solutions is based in Austin, and has specialized in banking and County government systems for over twenty years.
The vote in favor of Goldsmith was 4 -1, with Commissioner Wayne Shaw casting the lone “No” vote.
The Commissioners also heard from Bart Johnson, of Painter Johnson Associates. Johnson presented a mid-year report on the County’s health care insurance plan. The plan offers free annual medical physical examinations, but less than half (68 of 143) of the County employees are taking the physicals. Johnson urged the Commissioners to encourage all County employees on the plan to take advantage of the free benefit. The County’s health care plan is bought through the Texas Association of Counties, and Johnson said new cost rates will be announced in May.
In other business:
*** The Commissioners took no action on a burn ban, leaving the current “No Burn Ban” in place.
*** Approved a request from Elections Office Assistant Administrator Brenda Arp to declare as surplus certain old computers, scanners, and printers, and to list the surplus equipment for sale on Govdeals.com.