At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners, approval was given to convey a portion of a dead-end street to the Superior Essex manufacturing plant. Lincoln Street runs south from Stephen F. Austin Dr., adjacent to the Performance Pipe manufacturing plant, and dead ends near Superior Cable. Superior Essex has indicated that they could use that space in their operations. The Commissioners voted to convey 0.3 acres of land, which includes the last approximately 100-yards of Lincoln Street, to Superior Essex for the price of $8,450.
In other business:
*** The Commissioners voted to approve the appointment of Dr. Tom D. Byrd as Health Authority for Brown County. The Health Authority oversees the policies and procedures of the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department. The appointment must also be approved by the Brownwood City Council. Dr. Byrd will be replacing Dr. Jason Hubbard, who has moved to Eastland County. Dr. Byrd’s appointment will take effect March 1.
*** Took no action on the burn ban, leaving the burn ban “Off” for the present time.
*** Took no action on the approval of an IT service provider for the County.