During Thursday morning’s meeting, the Brownwood City Council, after executive session, ratified an infrastructure incentive to Superior Essex not to exceed $100,000 for the relocation of a waterline for a business expansion project at 1512 Drisco Drive and approved a Chapter 380 incentive from the City to Superior Essex to provide installation of the new waterline by City staff.
After passage of the infrastructure incentive, the City Council approved the purchase of water infrastructure materials, not to exceed $160,000, for the Superior Essex project from Ferguson Supply of Abilene through a BuyBoard Contract.
Superior Essex is building a warehouse and is requesting that a 12” water line be moved to accommodate this expansion. The existing 12” water line runs through the middle of the property in question.
Staff recommended that the water line be relocated to the street so that it is totally out of the way for any expansion on their property. The total cost of the project is estimated at $150,000. The BMDD proposed incentive package will reimburse the city up to $100,000 while the remaining cost will be absorbed by the Water Departments Water Main Replacement budget.
The Water Departments Water Main Replacement budget is currently $50,000, it is recommended by staff that we utilize this amount to cover the City’s portion of the incentive and cover any budget exceedance for this account with a budget amendment at the end of the fiscal year.
Also Thursday, the City Council heard a presentation from Housing Lab by BETCO regarding a proposed Senior Living affordable housing development.
Housing Lab by BETCO has identified a location in Brownwood for a proposed Senior Living Affordable Housing Development utilizing housing tax credits.
The project would cover over 9 acres at 2508 Stephen F. Austin Dr. and feature 49 units – 45 for those ages 55 and up. There would be 25 two-bedroom and 24 one-bedroom units with rates between $400 – $963 depending on unit size and resident qualifications
Similar developments exist in Mineral Wells, Lufkin, Sulphur Springs, Burkburnett, Vernon, and Livingston.
A pre-application has been submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). The project requires local Council support through a Resolution in order to be awarded. No action will be taken today.
A resolution will be presented for consideration at the Feb. 21 council meeting. No financial incentives are required from the City of Brownwood.
Also during the meeting, Brownwood Police Chief Ed Kading presented the department’s Racial Profiling Report for 2022, which is included at the link below: