Brownwood ISD issued the following press release Friday:
Through a special program and partnership with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Coggin Elementary is the first school in Brown County to earn Healthy Recognized Campus status.
According to a September 2022 press release announcing the partnership with Coggin, “A school must complete three designated health programs that demonstrate the school’s commitment to support and encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors for their students, staff, and parents in order to earn this partnership recognition.”
Through the program, Pre-K through second-grade students in Coach Stefenia Phipps’s class participated in the “Walk Across Texas!” program and completed eight lessons focusing on health and wellness.
During The Walk Across Texas! Program students worked together toward the goal of virtually traveling across Texas, 832 miles. Teams logged miles for their physical activity during the school day through PE and recess time and had the opportunity to walk “bonus miles” at home with their families.
Courtney Parrott, AgriLife Extension family and community health agent for Brown County, coordinated eight lessons presented to students focusing on health and wellness topics including staying hydrated, eating from MyPlate, eating a rainbow, staying physically active, proper personal hygiene/handwashing, dental hygiene, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and the importance of sleep.
“It has been amazing partnering with BISD and Coggin Elementary,” Parrott said. “We are all dedicated to helping kids get healthier, and through this program, we have seen them grow using healthy habits daily. I have heard from parents and teachers that they are using their healthy ‘prizes’ at home and school. I look forward to expanding this program to other schools in Brown County next year.”
“My daughter loves when Mrs. Courtney comes to class,” said parent Lacey Crouch. “It is the highlight of her day. She tells me we need to drink more water. She loves learning about nutrition and loves her apron that was given to her. She wears it all the time at home. “
On Friday, January 27, a glow party was held for the first-grade students who won the Walk Across Texas! miles contest. Students rotated through several stations in the gym that were set up with fun activities, including basketball, hula-hoops, beanbag toss, and more. Upbeat music filled the room as Parrott, Phipps, and Better Living for Texans Agent Wendy Hamilton prepared glow sticks, bracelets, and more to give to students. In addition to supporting Parrott and Phipps at Coggin, Hamilton led the adult curriculum (A Fresh Start to a Healthier You!) in person at the Boys and Girls Club of Brown County, as well as a virtual self-paced online program.
Partnerships and collaborations that contributed to Coggin Elementary School becoming a Healthy Recognized Campus included Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Better Living for Texans, Family and Community Health Advisory Committee, Coggin Elementary Coaches Phipps and McDonald, Administration from Coggin Elementary and Brownwood ISD, Boys and Girls Club of Brown County, Texas Department of Transportation, River Crest Hospital, Center for Life Resources (mental health authority), and Dr. Goodwin DDS Office and Staff.
“We partnered with several local companies to become a Healthy Recognized Campus,” said Phipps. “Our students and staff are grateful for the partnership with all to get healthier. Our community really stepped up and showed us how they support our kids.”
Additional photos and video highlights from the program are viewable online at https://www.brownwoodisd.org/cogginhealthy.