Outdoor faucets and pipes should be properly insulated and covered by the end of the day on Wednesday to protect against the very frigid air coming our way early Thursday.
Arctic air arrives early Thursday morning in Brown and surrounding counties and temperatures will quickly fall to below freezing within the first few minutes after the front passes through.
“I expect the cold front to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 am on Thursday morning. Once it passes through, temperatures in the Brown County area will fall from around 40 degrees early Thursday morning to around 22 by noon and 20 by 5:00 pm. Temperatures overnight will continue to chill down to around 10 degrees on Friday morning and struggle to increase to about 25 on Friday afternoon. Friday night the low is forecast near 15 with a high Saturday near 36,” said KOXE Meteorologist Randy Turner.
Another condition to consider is the wind chill, how the cold feels to exposed skin.
“Feels like temperatures during the day Thursday will be about 10 degrees. Feels like temperatures on Thursday night will be about 10 below zero with feels like temps on Friday staying in the teens and 20’s,” Turner said.
Generally sunny conditions are anticipated Thursday through Monday with no precipitation expected for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the Heartland and West Central Texas area.