During Tuesday morning’s meeting, the Brownwood City Council unanimously approved the purchase of an automated refuse truck for the sanitation department at $366,106, and the purchase of water and wastewater infrastructure materials for the Trafalgar project totaling $176,521.96.
The sanitation department had budgeted $315,920 for an automated refuse truck. The current price has increased to $366,106 which is a difference of $50,186. This will change future quarterly payments from $16,844.44 to approximately $19,825.25, which is an approximate increase of $2,980.81, but this year’s budget will not be affected. This truck will be purchased through Chastang Enterprises, Inc. of Houston through a BuyBoard contract.
“Like everyone’s vehicles prices continue to go up and we have seen that as well in the public sector,” said City Manager Emily Crawford. “It will be paid out over a seven-year term in quarterly payments.”
Trafalgar Homes is building a new multi-unit housing complex at the southwest corner of Milam and Indian Creek. The BMDD incentive package has been approved and included reimbursing utilities for the cost of materials. Staff has assembled the materials list which cost approximately $176,521.96. Some of the materials will be sourced through the warehouse and the remaining $146,000 will be purchased through a BuyBoard contract with Ferguson Supply out of Abilene. BMDD will reimburse the city for all materials cost.
“It’s 102 units and it will be a combination of two-story town homes as well as one-story duplexes and apartment living,” Crawford said. “They’ve already begun construction and things are going well over there. Part of the MDD’s incentive for the housing development was for the City to put in the utility service line, so we did approve the purchase of those materials so that City crews can continue bringing in utilities for that residential project.”
The City Council also:
- Approved closing and vacating the remaining 25’x150’ undeveloped portion of Peach Street beginning at the west line of Hillsboro then west approximately 150’ to a 15’ alley, said portion adjacent to property located at 2615 Hillsboro Avenue legally described as Brownwood Heights, Block 44, Lot 1, 2; and authorizing a quitclaim deed to be issued to the adjacent property owners, Robert and Teresa Vasquez.
- Conducted a public hearing and approved an ordinance on first reading requesting to change the zoning classification of 2620 Vine Street, being Block 6, Lot 2, Part 1, Outlot 405 and 406, 2.33 acres of the Idlewild Addition, also known as property ID 54186 from R-1 Single Family Residential to A-1 Agricultural District. The matter will be brought up against at a future City Council meeting to be approved on second and third/final reading.
- Authorized a lease agreement to provide office space to Representative David Spiller at the Harvey House building, 600 E. Depot Street.
Actions approved on the consent agenda included:
- Approving an ordinance on second and third/final reading changing the zoning classification of 3104 Highway 377 South from CN Commercial Neighborhood to C-1 Local Business District.
- Approving an ordinance on second and third/final reading approving the FY 2021/2022 budget amendments.
- Ratifying the Brownwood Municipal Development District Board action to approve a Building Improvement Incentive Program (BIIP) grant in the amount of $25,000 to Texas Fun Co, LLC for a building located at 101 Fisk Street.
A presentation was also given by Deputy City Manager Marshal McIntosh covering the major accomplishments of the City over 2021-22 fiscal year.