The Honorable Judge Cheryll Mabray officially swore in Debbie Odom and Tana DeSchane as new CASA volunteer Advocates, on November 9, 2022. Debbie comes from a long history of law enforcement and brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. While Debbie is a Brown County resident, she has accepted a Comanche case as we need more volunteers to help children in that county. Tana is continuing her graduate education but has felt called to be a CASA volunteer advocate for a long time. She brings an inquisitive mind and knowledge that will benefit our CASA children. We are proud of both ladies and glad they chose to finish their training and advocate for a child in court.
If you are looking for a meaningful way to donate your time and help change the life of a child, CASA is still in need of volunteers for Brown, Comanche and Mills Counties. No degree is necessary to be a volunteer, just time and the heart to help kids. We are making plans for a new training class. Call 325-643-2557 or visit our website at for details on how you can become a Volunteer Advocate.