Brookesmith Independent School District “rang in” the Thanksgiving season with a Turkey Bowl on Wednesday, November 16. Standard bowling pins were set up at 40 feet in the old gymnasium. Contestants chucked a frozen 20 pound turkey, clad only in a plastic bag, down the lane. The ones who knocked down the most pins won in their categories. Elementary, Junior High and High School students, parents and staff all competed. All proceeds benefited the Brookesmith Junior High Cheerleaders, led by the intrepid cheerleading Coach, Ms. Monica Edmonson.
The entire school gathered in the school gym to watch the action. Many discovered that it is harder than it looks to throw a frozen 20-pound bird with any accuracy! Winners of a twenty pound turkey were; Parent, Tessia Johnson; Elementary, Korben Haws; Junior High, Lily-Ruth Bullock; High School, John Haby; and Staff, Slater Isbell. Congratulations to our winners! A big thanks also goes out to Dusty and Brenda Nunn for the turkey donations!