At the November meeting of the Board of Directors of the Brown County Water Improvement District #1, approval was given to a new, higher price for irrigation water, as well as several other fees.
Irrigation water is raw, untreated water, which sells for less than the treated water used in homes and businesses. The rate, which was as low as $26 per acre foot in 2011, and as high as $72 in 2015, is currently $60. The Board voted to increase the rate to $62.50. Other fee changes are listed at the end of this article. All new fees will take effect on January 1, 2023.
In other business the Board voted to award a contract to Texas Water and Soil Co. of San Angelo, Texas, for the construction of infrastructure and equipment to protect District pumps and pipes from zebra mussels. The engineering firm of Freese and Nichols has spent some time producing the design that Texas Water and Soil will build. The contract is for $1,346,729, and will take approximately 330 days to complete.
The Board also voted to approve a “scope of service” contract with Freese and Nichols for a study on the needs of the water treatment plant. District General Manager John Allen said that the filtration membranes in the plant are designed to have a ten-year lifespan, but are currently twelve years old. While they are still performing well, they will have to be replaced soon. An expansion of the filtration equipment and an upgrade on the electronics in the plant may also be necessary. The cost of the “scope of service” contract is $388,887.
Other fees voted on by the Board:
2-inch Wet Tap: Current rate: $400/year. New rate: $440/year
2-inch Dry Tap: Current rate: $125/year. New rate: no change
Dock Fees: Current rate: 20-cents per square foot bottom floor, 10-cents per square foot top floor. New rate: No change
Commercial Boat Stalls: Current rate: $50/year. New rate: $75/year.
Island Lease, McCartney Island: Current rate: $400/year. New rate: $425/year.
Island Lease, Goat Island: Current rate: $260/year. New rate: No change
Lease transfer fee: Current rate: $500. New rate: $550.
Water intake fee for lake front property: Current rate: < 1-acre, $150/year, 1-acre or more, $300/year. New rate: No change
Jetty fee: Current rate: 20-cents/square foot. New rate: 40-cents/square foot.
Annual dock work permit fee: Current rate: $250/year. New rate: No Change
Individual dock work permit fee: Current rate: $50. New rate: $75.
Late fee for all of the above: Current rate: First month $50, Second month $100, Subsequent months $25. New rate: No Change