Value is defined as useful, important, worthy. One thing that every successful person does well is that they understand and recognize value in those around them. Regardless the role or occupation, they all have an awareness to make others around them feel useful, important, and worthy.
Adding value is a choice to treat others like you want them to treat you, but you take the initiative in doing so first. It can be a SUPERPOWER if you get down to it. If you want to make others feel useful, important, and worthy, then value them. You have the power to do that, so use that superpower whenever you can.
I have a Troy Aikman autographed football that was given to me by an ex-player of mine that worked for the Dallas Cowboys. It sits in a glass case on a shelf. I have another football that I tossed around in the street with my boy’s, it usually ended up in the bushes or left outside in the rain.
One ball has value because something special was added to it, the other football is just that, a water-logged football. The value of one football increased significantly when Troy Aikman simply added his signature.
The same concept applies to people, although you may not realize how valuable you can be to others, you have that power.
Whenever you take the time to make others feel important, useful, and worthy, you are writing your signature on their life. Their value goes up because you have added something special to it.
I will never forget my first year as the Athletic Director in Midland, Texas. I had been on the job for about 6 months and things were not going as smoothly as I had hoped. I was getting quite a bit of resistance to some changes I was trying to make, and on top of that my family was still back in Canyon, Texas 4 hours away because our house had yet to sell.
I was sitting at my desk one afternoon in a daze wondering if I had ruined my life when my Superintendent, Dr. Sylvester Perez, marched into my office.
As I stood up and stretched my hand out across my desk to shake his hand, he immediately slapped it away and walked around my desk and gave me a hug. He said, “I am so glad you are here Howey; we are very lucky to have you.” He then turned back around and walked out the door without saying another word.
You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that at that point and time in my life. But first, he had to take the time to make the effort. That simple 10 second gesture lifted a great deal of weight off my shoulders and made me feel like a champion.
I don’t know if he had planned it, or if he just happened to be in the area and decided to check on me. It did not matter to me because he gave me a B-12 shot of HOPE that lifted my spirits and gave me energy to press on. Value was added to my life instantly, and all of us need that at times, so be the one to add it to others.
We all have usefulness, worth, and importance. Sometimes all it takes is a very simple gesture to remind others of it. From the time Dr. Perez walked through my office door that day, and then back out again, he added VALUE to me. He put his signature on me at that moment, and those 10 seconds altered the direction of my life. How is that not a superpower?
I am certain there are others out there today feeling the same way I was feeling that day. Take time to make a visit, give them a hug and let them know you are glad they are here.
Whenever you take time to make others feel important, useful, and worthy, you are writing your signature on their life and their value in increased because you have added something special to it.
Adding value to others does not take a special talent or training. It just takes time and a little courage. Anyone can do it, give it a try. You can add value to those that work for you, with you, and above you. I have learned that when you take the time to add value to others, you become valuable to others. It truly is a SUPERPOWER.
Someone in your life encouraged you. Someone in your life STILL believes in you. Be that someone in somebody else’s life.
Todd Howey is a columnist for BrownwoodNews.com whose articles will appear on Fridays.