The Brownwood City Council, during Tuesday morning’s meeting, moved toward changing Clark Street from a one-way street to a two-way street between Austin Avenue and West Depot Street.
A recent request was made in light of TxDOT’s construction regarding the intersection improvement of Austin Avenue and Main St. At that intersection, motorists will not be able to enter or exit the property at 206 W. Austin Avenue. A suggestion was offered to make Clark Street a two-way street, which would allow motorists and residents to enter and exit the block from West Depot Street.
Among the options the City Council discussed were to do nothing, change the signage on the road to make it two-way, or expand the road.
Council expressed concern over the cost of the expansion and if there would be liability should the street not be widened. The narrowest section of the street is 15 feet wide. To widen the road, the cost estimate for materials is $9,155 for the city to widen the narrow road, chip seal the surface, and paint with double yellow stripes. The total cost for labor, materials, and equipment is $62,175.
However, do the light volume expected on the street, the City Council is favor on simply changing the signage on the road, which will require no financial obligation.
The matter will be brought before the City Council again for approval, with right turn only onto Austin Avenue and no street parking amendments included.
Also Tuesday, the City Council authorized a budget amendment in the amount of $60,628.57 from reserves for payment of Brown County Sheriff’s Office invoice incurred from the fiscal year 2020-21.
City staff recently received an invoice in the amount of $60,628.57 from the Brown County Sheriff’s Office for custodial services and inmate housing at the Joint Law Enforcement Center for the months of October 2020 through September 2021. The money was budgeted in the 2020-21 fiscal year but was not spent since no invoice was received. The unspent funds then became part of the City reserves. It was noted during the meeting this is the latest the City has ever received an invoice of this nature.
The invoice includes 50% of the custodian salary in the amount of $22,303.57 and three beds at $35 day for all 12 months of jail space in the amount of $38,325.00. These amounts are in line with the Joint Law Enforcement Agreement.
The City Council also approved an ordinance on second and third/final reading to regulate outdoor lighting.
Among the highlights of the ordinance:
- Lights have to be adequately shielded which means that the light is shielded by opaque materials such that light rays are limited to the parcel of origin and the light source is not visible from another property or the public right-of-way
- Any beam of light must be controlled and not directed across any bounding property above a height of 3 feet
- The allowable maximum intensity of the light measured at the property line abutting a residential use shall be 0.25 footcandles
- Any pre-existing lights must be brought into compliance with the standards of the ordinance within one month if redirection of the light will bring compliance, or within three months in all other cases.