The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host a Central Texas Sheep & Goat Seminar on October 12. The program was developed by AgriLife Extension agents in Brown, Burnet, Hamilton, Lampasas, Mills, and San Saba counties to address the needs of area sheep and goat producers during a challenging year. The event will be held at the Mills County Civic Center in Goldthwaite. There will be a $25 registration fee that will include a noon meal. Three general CEU’s will be provided to individuals with a private pesticide applicators license. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 2:00 p.m.
Topics and speakers will be:
Preparing for the Next Drought, Dr. Reid Redden, Center Director, Associate Professor and Extension Sheep & Goat Specialist, San Angelo
Preparing for Parasites, Jake Thorne, Extension Sheep & Goat Program Specialist, San Angelo
Market Update: Is this the New Normal, Dr. Reid Redden, Center Director, Associate Professor and Extension Sheep & Goat Specialist, San Angelo
Livestock Guardian Dogs, Bill Costanza, Extension Research Associate, San Angelo
Value of Cover Crops to Sheep & Goats, Dr. Reagan Noland, Assistant Professor & Extension Agronomist, San Angelo
Toxic Plants, Tom Guthrie, CEA-ANR, Mills County & Scott Anderson, CEA-ANR, Brown County
There will be a webinar on Wildlife Damage Management – Utilizing New Technologies on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 12pm.
Speakers and Topics:
Dr. John Tomecek – Update on feral hog toxicants and trapping technologies
Steve Estes – Using thermal/night vision technology for feral hog and predator control
You can register in advance at: https://bit.ly/Wildlife-Technology or call in the day of 1 – 346 – 248 – 7799 and enter meeting ID: 968 2412 2739 and passcode: 111790. For more information you can contact the Brown County Extension Office.