The following is 3M’s recent notice of application and preliminary decision for an air quality permit
Permit number: 23344
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. 3M Company, 4501 Highway 377 South, Brownwood, TX 7680 –5907, has applied to the Texas commission on environmental quality (TCEQ) for an amendment to air quality permit number 23344, which would authorize modification to a glass bead manufacturing facility located at 4501 Highway 377 South, Brownwood, Brown County, TX 76801. This application was processed in an expedited manner, as allowed by the commissioners’ rules and 30 Texas administrative code, chapter 101, subchapter J. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on April 7, 2022. The amendment will authorize an increase in emissions of the following air contaminates: nitrogen oxides.
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Abilene regional office, and at the Brownwood City Hall, 501 Center Ave., Brownwood, Brown County, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facilities compliance file, if any exist, is available for public review at the TCEQ Abilene regional office, 1977 Industrial Blvd., Abilene, Texas.
PUBLIC COMMENT/ PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive Director made an issue final approval of the application. Their response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integragated Database (CID).
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, The executive director‘s response to comments in the final decision on this application will be accessible through the commission’s website at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid. Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facilities general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. http://www.tceq.texaa.gov/assets/public/HB610/index.html.lat=31.670555&lng=-98.996666&zoom=12&type=r.
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list. To obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and request must be submitted either electronically at www.14.tceq.gov/epic/eComment/, or in writing to the Texas commission on environmental quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, PO Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711–3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency‘s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the public education program toll-free at 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from 3M company at the address stated above or by calling Kari Lazo, environmental engineer at 325-646-3551.
Notice issuance date July 25, 2022.