Two local superintendents addressed a joint luncheon of the Brownwood Area and Early Chambers of Commerce today. First to speak was Early ISD Superintendent Dr. Dewayne Wilkins.
Wilkins spoke of the recent “A” rating from the Texas Education Agency that was received by the Early ISD. He said that was the result of a joint effort of teachers, students, parents, and support from the local business community. “You can’t accomplish those things without everybody putting out the same amount of effort. Look what the teachers did, look what the students did, look what the parents did. We can’t do that without the support of the parents at home, teachers working in the classroom, and the students putting forth effort. That ‘A’ does not happen without those three things. We have to thank the people that really contributed to an ‘A’. That’s the parents, the students, and the teachers.”
He also reported that over 70% of the Early students participate in some form of extracurricular activities. “That’s the benefit of being in a small school. In a big school the students have to specialize in just football, or band, or art, etc. Our kids get to do everything. We have 70% of our students participating in some type of co-curricular or extracurricular activity. So our kids get to dabble in everything.”
Next to speak was Dr. Joe Young of the Brownwood ISD. He talked about Project Neighborhood, the new organization for the elementary schools in the District. “We reorganized our three elementary schools and made it into three comprehensive schools, Pre-K through grade 5, and one school Pre-K through grade 6. That gives our kids the opportunity to go to school for a longer period of time in a neighborhood elementary school. The benefits will be seen in four-five-six years down the road when the kids have been at those elementary schools for a longer period of time, have the same consistency, and have been able to stay in those environments for longer. We’re excited about the way it has started and saw a big jump in Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollment.”
And Dr. Young announced a new, optional program that will be available next summer. “The Additional Days School Program for the summer of 2023 will offer up to thirty additional days for enrichment activities and academic activities. That will be for grades Pre-K through 5. Those are optional days, parents can take advantage of those for a little bit, or for all of them. There will be more information as we go through the year.”
Dr. Josh Martin, Superintendent of the Bangs ISD was unable to attend today’s luncheon.