NOTE: Throughout the month of July, BrownwoodNews.com is publishing stories daily on 40 standout citizens under the age of 40 making a positive impact and contribution within the Brown County community.
Robert Lee’s love for people and desire to help them first led to a career in the military, followed by a stint as a youth ministry and eventually into law enforcement. Now 38 years old, Lee has spent the last four years as the School Resource Officer at Brownwood Middle School and couldn’t imagine a more fulfilling job.
“You can sum it up that we play multiple roles,” Lee said of being an SRO. “We’re a police officer, we’re an unofficial counselor, mentor and teacher. We fill all of those roles. We interact with the students and staff every day helping them with everything from what you would think of like fights to dealing with emotions and life. We assist the school district with everything, like right now we’re doing the summer audit that the governor put out. It’s a whole bunch of everything.”
Lee has spent the last 10 years with the Brownwood Police Department after working for the San Angelo Police Department.
Regarding the appeal of Brownwood, Lee said, “This is where I was born and I have some family here, this felt more like home. We had some younger kids at the time and that was a draw, being a small-town community where everyone knows everybody, and it doesn’t take long to get to know everyone. I lived in larger towns like Springfield, Missouri and it’s not that way there. There are still small-town values here and I love that.”
Reflecting on his path to a law enforcement career, Lee said, “I went to the military straight out of high school, enjoyed that and got out. Then I got into youth ministry of all things. I love people, want to help people and I was attracted to law enforcement because it’s back to that same thing where you’re on the ground with people when they’re having a problem. You get to make a real difference in people’s lives, not just talk about it.”
As a School Resource Officer, there are many rewards that come with the position, Lee said.
“The most rewarding part of this job is I get to intervene in kids’ lives before they make bad decisions, or when they do, get them back on the right path,” Lee said. “You see kids who are making a lot of wrong choices start making better ones, and they get to have a better appreciation of law enforcement, what we do, and learn we’re not the bad guys, we’re here to help.”
Lee has no desire of leaving his position as SRO for Brownwood Middle School.
“I have checked every box I’ve ever wanted,” Lee said. “I was a field training officer, I was a detective and investigated crimes against children, that’s how I switched over to SRO. This is what I want to do. I love this and getting to be part of planning for fun events like pep rallies to bad day events that I hope never come. We get to be part of that planning and protection. You get to see these kids grow up and it’s awesome.”
Away from work, Lee and his family are members of Coggin Avenue Baptist Church where he also serves on the security team.
Lee and wife Leah have three children – one in high school, one in middle school, and a 5-year-old.
“My wife, Leah, she is a teacher at Woodland Heights,” Lee said. “Everything I’ve ever wanted to do, she’s always had my back and been there for me through thick and thin, good days and bad. She’s solid.”