NOTE: Throughout the month of July, BrownwoodNews.com is publishing stories daily on 40 standout citizens under the age of 40 making a positive impact and contribution within the Brown County community.
Sarah Bowman has spent most of her life in Brownwood, from growing up as a child to moving back a dozen years ago when her husband accepted a job with the Brownwood Police Department. Bowman works as a personal banker at Prosperity Bank’s Brownwood branch, but her impact on the community reaches far beyond the workplace.
“I love my job and interacting with people,” Bowman, 39, said of her position. “I’m one of the first ones you see when you walk in the door, and I try to remember everyone’s name so when they walk in the next time, they’ll know that we remember them. I just like to add a personal touch to everyone that I deal with. I’ve met a lot of people that way, good friends, good acquaintances.”
Further describing what she does at work, Bowman said, “I open accounts, I do your online banking maintenance, debit card maintenance, order checks, problem solve if there’s a problem with the account, handle disputes for credit cards, personal loans, so a little bit of everything.”
The most rewarding aspect of her work, Bowman said, is, “meeting new people and getting to know them and finding which one of our products suits them the best and making sure they are comfortable with it. I don’t want anyone to leave here with something they didn’t want. When I can tell them, ‘hey, now you can buy that car,’ or ‘hey, you can get that air conditioner fixed now,’ that’s pretty rewarding – knowing when someone comes in with a problem and I’ve helped them in some form or fashion get it fixed or taken care of. I really like that part, too.”
As for her future plans workwise, Bowman said, “This is the third time I’ve been in a bank setting. I can leave for a little while, but I always find a way to migrate back to it. I plan on staying right here, maybe not is this same position because there’s always room for growth, but this is what I want to do. I love my job and I love what I’m doing.”
Outside of the bank, Bowman also helps with Lilly B’s boutique.
“I make all of the Brownwood deliveries and help with the vendor booth at Shaw’s Marketplace,” Bowman said. “I’ve been a part of this boutique since day one. I have watched it blossom over the years and I’m proud to be a part of it.”
As much as Bowman enjoys her jobs, her greatest passion in life is giving back to the community where she was raised – particularly serving as a Girl Scout Troop leader.
“This will be my ninth season coming up,” Bowman said. “My daughter is handicapped and, in a wheelchair, so as far as extracurricular stuff for her there’s just not a lot to offer. Girl Scouts was something we could get involved in and we can do wholeheartedly, and we do it. She enjoys this, she loves it, and I make sure she gets to be involved in everything and I get to introduce the world to her. It’s something special when you see those kids bond with her and want to help her out, and I get to bond with them. I miss the girls when it’s summertime, but I still try and do a couple of things with them in the summer.”
Among the Girl Scouts activities Bowman most enjoys are painting bowls for the Empty Bowls Projects and helping pack Christmas boxes at Good Samaritan Ministries.
“That really opens their eyes to the needs of this community,” Bowman said. “Every girl every year wants to help. I want to teach them it’s OK to ask for help and it’s also OK to help out.”
Bowman also assists with the Brownwood Municipal Police Association.
“My husband is a police officer and has been for 12 years for the City of Brownwood,” Bowman said. “They have an organization inside their department called BMPA. We used to have a wives group that was separate, but I still manage that page and any time there’s a fundraiser or some special event I’m one of the first ones they call to help get the wives involved when they need something.”
The Bowman family is also active with Buckmasters, aiding with the annual banquet each year.
“We set up and cook 700 to 800 steaks for them,” Bowman said. “My dad and stepmom, my uncle, me and my husband, and a close friend have been the cooking team for several years now. They call us The Heart of Texas Cooking Crew. We enjoy giving back to them. They do so much for kids in our area.”
Bowman and her husband Jayme have been married for 13 years. They couple has a 15-year-old daughter, Addyson, and Sarah has a 20-year-old stepson, Theron.
“We moved here 12 years ago with no idea what to expect,” Bowman said. “We lived in the Metroplex, and my husband got a job offer here. I was born in Brownwood, so I felt like something was calling me home. My parents divorced when I was 8, but my dad always stayed here, so I’ve grown up in Brownwood pretty much my whole life. We have what I call a village here, and I would not survive my life without that village – my dad, stepmom, aunt and uncle. I came home to my village, and they helped tremendously with Addyson, my daughter, and also being an officer’s wife, they are always there for us all the time.”
Regarding her decision to help positively impact the lives of the citizens of Brown County, both young and old, Bowman said, “I just like to give back, I just want to help. If I can do anything to help out, that’s what I’m all about, that’s how I was raised. You give the shirt off your back if somebody needs it. I don’t do it with anything expected in return. I want to help. I just have a giving heart.”