Brown County Commissioners Court was in session Monday morning in the Brown County Courthouse. The meeting was presided over by County Commissioner Joel Kelton. Also present were Commissioners Wayne Shaw and Larry Traweek.
The primary item of business was to take action deemed urgent concerning the county’s Information Technology position. Matt Krischke, the Director of Information Technology for many years, has submitted his two week notice.
Krischke gave Commissioners a couple of options to consider until they find someone for the permanent position.
Option 1: A bid from After Hours I.T., Wiley Wood, to be available for up to 16 hours of total work from July 1 through July 16 at a price of $1,200.
Option 2: A bid from Apollo Computers in Early to be available to the County for unlimited hours for a 30-day contract for a total of $4,171.
Commissioners voted to approve the contract with Apollo Computers commencing July 4 giving the county’s technology committee time to discuss and consider applications for the IT position.
In other business:
No action was taken on the Burn Ban meaning it stays in place and will continue in place through the upcoming July 4th holiday weekend.
Commissioners also approved funds to repair pews in the District Courtroom.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 am.
The next meeting of Brown County Commissioners will be Tuesday, July 5, since Monday (4th) is the Independence Holiday.