The Brownwood-Brown County Child Welfare Board recently issued the following information:
Two young folks donated the proceeds from their Youth Fair projects to the Brownwood-Brown County Child Welfare Board.
Barrett McCoy, son of Jerad and Jennifer McCoy, presented his earnings to Judy Brownlee, Chairperson of the board, at a recent meeting. Barrett stated that he wanted to give his earnings to foster children because he has been a foster child and knows how that feels.
Addy Bowman, daughter of Jayme and Sarah Bowman, had earlier donated her earnings from the sale of her goat to the board because she wanted to help children less fortunate. Addy brings a smile to the faces of everyone she meets and she wants to bring a smile to other children. Judy Brownlee gratefully accepted her check.
It is so gratifying to see young people interested in helping others in the community, especially the children under CPS care.