There has been a discrepancy between the candidates for county judge, Paul Lilly (I) and Shane Britton, regarding the workload of the county court under Judge Lilly.
Lilly and Britton both have shared different sets of numbers with the public.
The number of cases handled by the county court, and other court systems, is public knowledge in Texas and can be found on the Texas Office of Court Administration’s website. You can also submit a public information request through the office of the Brown County Judge to obtain these figures.
To find the information for cases seen in county court, go to
Click on “Run reports for September 2010 to present” as seen above.
In the drop down menu, select Constitutional County Courts and Activity by County Summary.
On the following page, select the date that marks the beginning of Judge Lilly’s term, January 2019, to the most present date available, April 2022.
Under the Sort drop down menu select County-Alpha. This will provide you a report with all Texas counties listed in alphabetical order.
A report should populate that looks similar to the one Brownwood News obtained on 5/18/22. Click here to view the report.
To see the probate case activity, enter the following into the dropdown menu.
To see the mental health activity, enter the following into the dropdown menu.
To see the guardianship activity, enter the following into the dropdown menu.
To find the number of cases seen in the county court-at-law under Judge Sam Moss, complete the same steps above except for in the first drop down menu, which should have Statutory County Courts selected.
A report should populate similar to the one Brownwood News obtained on 5/18/22.