The Pearl Griffin Memorial Latch Key Program is an afterschool program in Brownwood that provides quality childcare services at no charge to families whose parents work or go to school during afterschool hours, qualify financially for free or reduced lunches and have children 4 years old in Pre-K through 6th grade.
Latch Key provides a healthy snack, help with homework and a safe alternative to children having to go home to an empty home when released from school. Latch Key is a licensed childcare facility through the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. There is no charge for this program due to grants and fundraisers during the year.
Latch Key will be hosting their annual Hamburger Supper on Tuesday, April 12th from 5-7 in the courtyard at 2411 Coggin Avenue (First Christian Church, between 13th and 14th Street). This is the organizations main fundraiser. Everyone in the organization is involved, the staff and students make the decorations, board members and staff volunteer their evening to work the event and parents prepare baked goods for the bake sales.
Tickets are $5 for children 12 years old and under, adults are $7 each. This includes a hamburger, chips, and a drink. The proceeds from this event 100% stay in the organization to provide care for the children. Everything for the hamburger supper is provided by the community. The sponsors for this are Humphrey Petes, Howard Payne University Athletics, United Supermarket, Chick-fil-a, Subway on Austin, Dr Pepper Bottling in Brownwood, and Christy Habekott. The Pecan Valley Kiwanis organization comes to cook out on the grills! These burgers are delicious!!
Tickets may be purchased from the Latch Key Office, any board member, through VENMO (@Latch-Key-1 Please state that you are buying supper tickets and quantity of adult and children tickets) or at the event.
In conjunction with the supper we also have a raffle drawing! This also 100% stays in the program as everything for this event is donated! Tickets for the raffle are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. We have 8 amazing packages that you can win! Each ticket that is in the drawing is up for grabs for all 8 packages! Tickets maybe purchased from the Latch Key Office, any board member, through VENMO ( @Latch-Key-1 Please state that you are buying raffle tickets and include your phone number) or at the event.
Packages are:
Package #1
Rangers Weekend Getaway
($400 value)
-4 Texas Rangers Tickets
-$250 Hotel (Car Corral)
-$50 meal gift card
(Longhorn Auto Sales)
Package #2 Outdoor
($220 value)
-Masterbuilt Electric Smoker (Weakley Watson)
Package #3 A Better You
($119 Value)
-Innovation Well ($119 value) (Innovation Wellness)
Package #4 Diner’s Experience
($200 value)
(Trans Texas Tire)
$20 gift cards to:
-Humphrey Pete’s
-The Sticks
-Section Hand
-Dairy Queen
-Runaway Train
Package #5 & 6
2 Family Fun Package
($70 value)
-Xtreme Jump ($50 value)
(Xtreme Jump)
-$20 Gift Card for Triple T
(Longhorn Auto Sales)
Package #7
Date Night ($59.50 value)
-Section Hand Dinner for 2 ($25) (Section Hand)
-2 tickets to Lyric Theater production (Lyric Theater) ($24)
Package #8
Family Movie Night ($40 value)
-Redbox Rentals (anonymous)
-2 Large Pizza’s (Pizza Hut)
-Popcorn (anonymous)
Please notice the amazing sponsors listed on each prize package as well as those mentioned for the Hamburger Supper and thank those business owners/managers when you are in their business.
Latch Key is a United Way Organization.