EARLY – Early’s 2022 State of the City luncheon took place at the Early Visitors and Events Center, where Mayor Robert Mangrum shared the strides made in the last 12 months, and the projects on the horizon.
“This city is on track to becoming what is called a ‘destination city’ with something to offer those who live here as well as those who travel through,” Mangrum said. “We’re obviously seeing some substantial growth and it’s all thanks to our citizens like you who show support by shopping local, giving us feedback and most importantly volunteering your time where and when you can. The city may be seeing changes but the community will remain the same. We are working to keep our rural town feeling while offering urban amenities. Even as inflation becomes an increasing problem, our city staff has taken the necessary precautions to keep expenditures down while also maintaining our infrastructure and providing support for our fire and police departments. We are thankful for the what the previous year has brought us, and we’re definitely excited about what there is for the future.”
Looking ahead to the future, the Town Center Project received the most attention during the State of the City address. Construction on Kelcy Way is currently underway and, upon completion, the addition of new businesses and residential areas will begin.
The following are highlights Mangrum touched on during his speech:
- Summer 2022 – Kelcy Way Construction complete
- Summer 2022 – Phase I Infrastructure complete
- September 2022 – Engineering to begin for Heartland Road, water and sewer
- As the need is identified – Additional infrastructure construction
- May 2022 – Construction of the Town Center Pond, 6+ surface acres and 16 feet deep in certain areas
- May 2022 – Engineering and lighted ADA accessible walking paths and batting cages, construction to follow
- Fall 2022 – Construction of batting cages will be completed, begin construction on the dog park, outdoor classroom
- Spring 2023 – Complete pond construction, lighted fishing piers installed at two locations on the pond, pond stocked with fish
- 2023 – Fishing pond, dog park, lighted walking trails and fishing piers will all be open to the public
Mixed use development
- April 2022 – Surveying pad and building sites to begin real estate sales
- Currently – Negotiations with developers and end users of potential sites which include retail, restaurant, hotel and residential units
- May 2022 – Boardwalk design and engineering with begin
- Fall 2022 – Boardwalk construction with begin
- 2023 – Boardwalk will be completed and construction on building will begin
- 2022 population 3,526 – 244 more people, 7.4 percent growth since 2020
- 2020 population 3,282 – grew 197 or 7.6 percent grown since 2010’s population of 2,758
- 2021 Sales tax brought in $3 million dollars with $1.69 million budgeted. In 2020, the city brought in $2.2 million when $1.5 million was budgeted.
- The current tax rate is 0.4993 cents per $100 evaluation, the second lowest in county, and Early’s lowest tax rate since 2007
PUBLIC WORKS (Waste, waste water, sanitation departments)
- Labor shortage
- Rising cost of construction materials
- Availability of the material
- Overall operation costs such as fuel and equipment repairs
- Continue to improve the pay and work environment for our employees
- Prioritize repairs and new construction
- Work in public, private partnerships where the cost is shared
- Conserve in areas while replacing equipment that has excessive maintenance cost
- Installed several thousand feet of new water and sewer lines within town
- Working to replace aged water meters and transmitters
- Working to add new fire hydrants to improve fire protection
- Identifying areas of town to install new water valves that will help reduce the impact of water line breaks on customers
- Major water and sewer rehab projects are using less contractor labor and working internally with a phased approach to keep project costs down
Streets Department
- Adopted a capital improvement plan which prioritizes and identifies street projects for the next five years
- Street maintenance program resurfaces around one mile of roads annually with in excess of 30 miles of streets within Early
- Completed over 80 street repair work orders last year from pothole repairs to addressing drainage concerns
- Built Terraha Drive in 2021
- In Town Center Project, currently constructing Kelcy Way and Buena Vista
- Within the next month, go out for bids on the reconstruction of Autumn Drive
- Awarded a grant in the amount of $870,000 through TxDOT to install 1.64 miles of sidewalks throughout town
- Conducted 1,500 traffic stops, answered 2,800 calls in 2021
- Involved in a number of community events including National Night Out parties and D.R.E.A.M.S. program in schools
- Added a new patrol car in 2021
- Awarded a $33,000 grant from Department of Criminal Justice for new pickup
- Created a new position in 2021 to hire a Code Enforcement Officer, who helps with the day to day operations of the police department and helps citizens and business owners comply with various city codes
- Currently has 4 full time fire fighters, 12 part time fire fighters, and 12 volunteers. Pay for these positions has increased and volunteers are now paid for each call in which they respond.
- Purchases two new brush trucks and a command vehicle for the chief in 2021
- Underwent a new ISO rating analysis and improved insurance rating from a 6 to a 3
- Improvements made to ball parks at City Park including concrete sidewalks, retaining walls line with Austin stone, new scoreboard, new backstops, and new cedar wood dugouts constructed
- Early will host a Texas Teen-Age Baseball state tournament this summer
- McDonald Park hosts the Smart City Expo and Movie in the Park events
- McDonald Park will host Courts and Controllers later this year, which consists of a video game tournament and a 3-on-3 tournament organized by the city and facilitated by the HPU men’s basketball team
- A new pavilion is being built at McDonald Park over the old football locker room foundation
- In 2021, over 40 new jobs were created in Early
- Great interest in the city from numerous developers
- City continues to search for businesses to establish a location in Early
COMING IN 2022, 2023
- Petco – currently building at the intersection of CC Woodson and Early Boulevard and is expected open in the Fall of 2022
- HTeaO – building at 405 Early Boulevard and is expected to open in the summer of 2022
- Residential Subdivisions – currently over 400 lots in several subdivisions that in various stages of approval which will address the deficiency of available lots for new construction in Early
- Recreational Amenities – several amenities within the Town Center will begin construction this year and be completed in 2023