As Fire crews in Brown County Texas struggle to contain massive, windswept wildfires that burned homes, ranches, personal property and loss of life, the Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly has determined that extraordinary measures must be taken to alleviate the suffering of the people of Brown County and to protect or rehabilitate property and personal loss.
In concert with Governor Greg Abbott’s office, Brown County Judge Paul Lilly has struck a Declaration of a Local State of Disaster which shall continue for a period of not more than seven days which may be renewed by the Commissioners Court.
This declaration will allow Brown County residents to apply for disaster relief funds being made available by the State Government and FEMA.
“We need to all pull together and support our front-line fire fighters and support crews during this devastating series of fires. These people are working around the clock to protect all of us from this disaster. Please donate water and other supplies to help our front-line workers” Judge Paul Lilly stated.
Dr. Paul Lilly, Brown County Judge, left, is pictured with Sharon Ferguson, Brown County Clerk. [Photo contributed]