The Brownwood City Council on Monday approved a contract for Rehabilitation and Repair of Wiggins Pool to Commercial Swim Management in the amount of $164,128.43. The first part of the process, however, regards leak detection and if there is a discovery of damages in excess of $15,000 to repair, the contract will be terminated.
A decision had to be made Monday after the matter was brought before the City Council on two other occasions as the 45-day window for the bid expired later this week. The project will take approximately one month to complete.
The City budgeted $150,000 for pool repairs in the Parks budget, along with an additional $20,000 for improvements at Wiggins Park. The $20,000 will now be paired with the $150,000 for the rehabilitation, which is broken down as follows:
- $1,750 – Leak detection including pressure testing of Skimmers, Main Drains, and Return Lines.
- $27, 891.49 – Pump Room Repairs including replacing Five Horsepower pump, replacing Three Filters and Media, plumbing and materials, and repairs to damaged concrete or rough surfaces.
- $134,486.94 – Pool Resurfacing including replacement of coping and expansion joint between pool and deck, sandblasting existing surface, repairs to damaged or rough concrete surfaces, and application of Ice Bay Eco Finish.
Heartland Pools provided a quote for construction of a new pool at $234,249.87
Additional action taken by the City Council Monday included authorizing a capital budget amendment to convert a roll-off truck to a water truck for the landfill department, purchase a trailer for the street department, and buy down the cost of a side loader for the Sanitation Department
The Landfill’s capital budget included purchasing a 4,000-gallon used water truck for $135,000. Staff discovered the City could convert a 2006 Mack roll-off truck from the Landfill into a water truck. The conversion would be less expensive at approximately $70,000.
The roll-off truck had been scheduled for auction, with the proceeds going toward buying down the cost of a side loader for Sanitation. Instead of auctioning off the roll-off truck, the City will apply capital funds savings of $35,811to the buy-down. With the savings from not purchasing a water truck, the City proposed purchasing a new trailer for the Street Department for $29,189.
The new trailer would be used to haul a skid steer, planer, and roller for the second street patching crew. The trailer would have been included in the 2022-23 fiscal budget
The City Council also authorized the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Brownwood and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) for $10,000 to build the capacity of the local Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) beginning upon signing of the agreement through September 29, 2022.
The grant is funded through NACCHO from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response to build local Medical Reserve Corps units. Funding provided from this grant will provide support to the MRC unit and promote regular programs, and activities to the MRC.
The agreement authorizes the City Manager to sign any subsequent addendums, amendments and acceptance of additional funds during the term of the agreement.