The Brown County Museum of History on Saturday, Jan. 29 will receive a Purple Heart designation. The museum posted the following on its Facebook page:
Join us Saturday, Jan. 29 at 1 p.m. with free admission from 12:00pm-2:00pm, as we become one of the first Museums in Texas to be honored with this Purple Heart designation, nominated by Purple Heart medal recipient Captain Paul E. Wade.
While serving as a helicopter pilot, Captain Paul E. Wade was assigned to the 191st Boomerangs supporting the US Army 9th Division, Navy Seals, and multiple ARVN units. He was shot down a total of seven times during his two tours in Vietnam. On September 6, 1969 he was shot down three times in one day and sustained injuries. He received the “V” device for this action, and 52 years later received a Purple Heart on October 14, 2021.