January is School Board Recognition Month and Brownwood ISD is honored to celebrate its trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district’s schools and students.
“Our team of school board trustees is an exemplary group of leaders in our community. They selflessly give up a lot of their time and invest much effort into guiding our district,” said Brownwood ISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young. “They are great representatives of the Brownwood community and take their job seriously.”
Serving as a link between the community and classroom, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools.
The Brownwood ISD board is responsible for an annual budget of $39.9 million, 3,500 students, 650 employees and 8 campuses.
“School boards are essential to a strong public education system,” Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Executive Director Dan Troxell said. “They provide the local governance and oversight that makes it possible for school districts to serve students, including establishing a strategic plan, adopting policies, approving a budget and selecting and evaluating a superintendent. It’s fitting that we celebrate them in January as their leadership is key to the success of every school district in Texas.”
Board members serving Brownwood ISD in 2021 were: Michael Cloy (Board President), Roderick Jones, Sr. (Board Vice President), Diane Thompson (Board Secretary), Tim Jacobs (Parliamentarian), Amary Doremus, Codie Smith, and Eric Evans.
“I am honored to work with this group to make BISD the District of Choice for all our students and families,” added Dr. Young. “Without dedicated, knowledgeable, involved, caring, and focused trustees, a district struggles to achieve and work toward the community’s expectations. We are fortunate in Brownwood.”