Candidates for local offices filed paperwork on Monday morning in the Brown County Courthouse with Robert Porter, Brown County Republican Party Chair. The candidates will run in the March 2022 Republican Primary.
Those filing for office include:
Incumbent Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly
Incumbent Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Ted Perez
Incumbent Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Harold Hogan
Incumbent County Commissioner, Precinct 2, Joel Kelton
Running for Precinct 4 County Commissioner is George Huseman.
Running for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 is Rusty Howell.
Running for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, is Brian Edwards
Of the group of candidates that filed Monday morning, there is already a contested race for Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace between Ted Perez and Rusty Howell.
Robert Porter will also be on the ballot for Brown County Republican Party Chairman.
(IN THE PHOTO): Left to right – Joel Kelton, Robert Porter, Brian Edwards, Ted Perez, Dr. Paul Lilly, Harold Hogan, Rusty Howell and George Huseman.
We checked with Brown County Democrat Party Chair, Mike Bullard, at about 1:00 pm Monday and, as of then, no local candidates had filed with him as of yet.
Those who wish to run for public office can file between now and December 13th at 6:00 pm. File with the party chairman of the party you wish to run in. The Republican Party Chair is Robert Porter who can be reached at 325-642-5383. The Brown County Democrat Party Chair is Mike Bullard who can be reached at 325-643-2881 or mbullard23@aol.com. Each party also has a Facebook page.