At the November meeting of the Board of Directors of the Brown County Water Improvement District the fee schedule for 2022 was reviewed. Most fees will remain the same next year, but a few were increased. The fees with changes are:
Island Lease The annual lease on McCartney Island will increase to $400/year, up from $375. The annual lease on Goat Island will remain $260/yr.
Jetty Fee The fee on jetties built into the lake will increase to 25-cents per square foot, up from 10-cents per square foot.
Commercial Dock Stalls The fee for a boat stall in a commercial dock will increase to $40/year, up from $30/year.
Fees that will be unchanged next year are:
Irrigation The irrigation water rate will remain $60 per acre-foot.
Raw Water Taps The 2-inch raw water taps will remain $400/year for a wet tap, and $125/year for a dry tap.
Dock Fee The fee for docks will remain 20-cents per square foot for the bottom floor, and 10-cents per square foot for an upper deck.
Water Front Intakes The fee for water-front intake lines will remain $150/year for properties 1-acre or less, and $300/year for properties greater than 1-acre.
The annual fee on sailboats will no longer be assessed. The new fee schedule takes effect on January 1, 2022.