This week, Democrats are considering $5 trillion in new spending and radical policies to push forward their ultra-radical, harmful agenda.
Some of the outrageous provisions in this spending package include giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, expanding the welfare state, and crushing the oil and gas industry through Green New Deal policies. How do they plan on paying for this bloated, pork-filled package? By enacting massive tax hikes on all Americans.
With this budget proposal it is clear who is driving the agenda: AOC, Bernie Sanders, and the most radical voices of the Left. This bill is just another example of failed leadership coming from the Democrats that will lead us into a dire economic crisis.
I am calling on my moderate Democrats colleagues to put an end to this madness and speak up for everyday Americans who oppose massive government spending.
Democrats’ Radical Reconciliation Bill Will Destroy American Energy
Cold, dark, and hungry. That will be the reality of every American family if the Democrats win in their crusade against American energy independence.
Buried in the Democrats’ massive spending package is a radical green agenda that will raise taxes, bring burdensome regulations to our energy industries, wipe out millions of energy jobs, and cripple our small and independent oil and gas producers. The impacts will be devastating.
We need to look no further than across the Atlantic to see the real-world consequences of these destructive policies. Right now, our friends in Europe are experiencing industry-wide shutdowns, and preparing for cataclysmic blackouts due to their fuel and gas shortages. Cold, dark, and hungry is Europe’s reality today, but it will be America tomorrow if we allow these policies to take effect.
The world population is growing at an exponential rate and our energy needs will only continue to rise—a strong energy sector is non-negotiable if we want to sustain the lives of our children and grandchildren. American private industry ingenuity has the capability to deliver safe, affordable, and reliable energy to everyone, but Democrats are shackling the ability of producers to provide fuel and power to the world. It has never been more important to hold the line on our critical American energy—our future is a stake.
Click here or below to watch me speaking on the Democrats’ crusade against American energy.