Right now, our summer temperatures are above normal, and we are way behind on rainfall. All extended forecasts indicate more of the same. We all want nice yards and pretty lawns surrounding our homes. It is becoming real tricky to get that accomplished. We are in voluntary water rationing now and that could change to a mandatory situation before fall.
Texas Extension Turfgrass specialists have developed the water-wise checklist for home turfgrass listed below:
Taller grass = Deeper Roots. Deeper roots can improve overall infiltration and access to water deeper in the soil. | For more information on appropriate mowing heights for your species, visit the AggieTurf Website. https://aggieturf.tamu.edu/ |
Scalped grass is stressed grass. Stressed grass will be less tolerant to heat and drought, and more vulnerable to other pests or fungal pathogens. | |
Watering this way encourages deeper, denser root growth. Again, this can improve infiltration and access to water deeper in the soil. | |
Watering late at night or early in the morning will reduce evaporative losses, improve water-use efficiency, and reduce length of overall leaf wetness, which reduces disease potential. | |
Because sprinkler precipitation rates usually exceed soil infiltration rates, cycle soaking improves soil water infiltration and reduces runoff by “pulsing” water onto the lawn in small amounts over several hours. | Check out this video from Dr. Richard White on the Cycle Soak Method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmr9YbHTjL0&t=27s |
Broken or malfunctioning irrigation equipment can both waste water and create localized dry spots across the lawn. Replace broken heads and consider a professional irrigation audit by a licensed irrigator. | Want to check your irrigation efficiency on your own? Check out AgriLife Water University’s video on the Catch Can Method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nIwZ_imn9w&t=2s |
Rainwater catchment can help you take advantage of natural precipitation and supplement irrigation water. | A number of AgriLife programs offer courses on rainwater catchment. Check out these programs, or contact your County Extension Agent for local resources: Healthy Lawns, Healthy Waters https://hlhw.tamu.edu/ Water University https://wateruniversity.tamu.edu/ |
Prepare areas for new sod by tilling the area to a depth of 6” to 12″, when possible. Good site preparation is critical to improving water infiltration and laying the literal groundwork for a healthy stand of turfgrass. | |
In the spring and fall, consider core aeration and thatch removal to improve overall water infiltration for active growing months. | Not sure what to do here? Contact your local County Extension Agent for additional input. |