For the first time in about 20 years, Brownwood Regional Airport is scheduled to receive improvements to the taxiways and aprons starting later this year. The total estimated project cost is $1.3 million and the estimated City share, which includes a COVID Relief Fund discount, is $30,899.90.
“Right here in front of the terminal they’ll be taking up some of asphalt that’s been there like 20 years that’s never been touched much. They’ll be resealing that. There’s two different sections, one has more that needs to be milled up on what we call the west ramp, the east ramp joins the terminal,” said Bobby Burks, airport manager.
The taxiways will also receive much needed attention.
“They’ll go all the way down taxiway Alpha and reseal all that and do re-striping. They’ll also be around all the hangars,” Burks said.
The project should begin in September.
“It’s suppose to be done in 180 days,” Burks added.
Brownwoodnews.com photo.