Tuesday, July 13 is the date of a Multi-County Range/Brush program. This program is being conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It will be held at the Brown County Fairgrounds located at 4206 US HWY 377 South in Brownwood. Registration will begin at 8:30am and the program at 9:00am.
Brush encroachment continues to be an expensive problem to deal with. It doesn’t take long for weeds and brush to choke out good desirable grasses forcing a reduction in stocking rates of livestock. The wet weather this spring is causing weeds and brush to outgrow our pasture grasses. If left unchecked, these pasture invaders can even make large areas undesirable for some wildlife.
Speakers and topics for the July 13th program include:
- James Jackson, Range and Pasture Specialist, Alligare, Stephenville
- Alligare Herbicides for Range/Pastures
- Reagan Noland, Extension Agronomist, San Angelo
- Roundup (Glyphosate) Myths and Facts
- Jamie Halfman, Pasture and Land Management Territory Manager, Corteva Ag Sciences, Garden City
- Corteva Herbicides for Range/Pastures
- Birttany Chesser, Extension Aquatic Vegetation Management Specialist, College Station
- Farm Pond Aquatic Weed Management
- Scott Anderson, County Extension Agent AGNR, Brown County
- Pesticide Laws and Regulation
There will be a $40 registration fee payable at the door. A catered meal is included. Pre-registration is required by July 5, 2021.
This program has been approved for 5 CEUs from the Texas Department of Agriculture for TDA licensed pesticide applicators. This program is open to anyone interested but is limited to the first 100 participants who pre-register.
To pre-register or for more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.
Wednesday, July 7th is the date of a yard tree program. It will be held at the Brown County Extension Office located at 605 Fisk Avenue in Brownwood from 12:00pm – 1:00pm.
Texas Forest Service Staff Forester Robert Hawthorne will present the program. He will discuss oak wilt management in home yard trees as well as yard tree care.
Everyone wants healthy, growing yard trees. This year has been challenging for yard trees due to early drought, a severe winter storm and then a wet spring. Oak wilt is still here. It is still causing problems here.
The Lunch-N-Learn program on July 7th will be the final one in a series of home horticulture programs conducted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service here in Brown County. No pre-registration is needed. This program is open to anyone interested. There will be a $10 registration fee payable at the door for those who did not pay the registration for the entire series of programs.
For more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.