ZEPHYR – Drew Reynolds earned valedictorian honors while Mason Rogers finished as the salutatorian for the Zephyr High School Class of 2021.
Graduation for Zephyr will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, May 28 at the high school gymnasium.
Reynolds said of learning he was class valedictorian, “It’s pretty cool. It’s nice to see how the hard work paid off. It’s nice because it’s going to help me get to college.”
Reynolds, the son of Jason and Jessica Reynolds, is bound for Texas A&M where he will study engineering.
“Aerospace engineering caught my attention and I thought that’d be really cool to try out,” Reynolds said.
Looking ahead to the future, Reynolds said, “It’d be kind of cool if college goes well to work somewhere like SpaceX on the different Mars programs.”
Reynolds took part in cross county, basketball, track, UIL, National Honor Society, and football during his time at Zephyr High.
“I just tried to do as many things as I could,” Reynolds said.
As for a favorite teacher and subject, Reynolds said, “Our science teacher, Mrs. (Michelle) Lancaster, you learned a lot in her class but it doesn’t feel like you’re doing a lot.”
Reynolds extended a thank you to classmate Kannon Eoff, who finished with the third-highest GPA in Zephyr’s Class of ’21.
“We’ve always had a group in our class and he’s one of the people that pushed us,” Reynolds said.
Rogers said of his salutatorian honor, “I’ve been battling for this spot with another classmate of mine for the last four years. For the news to come out, it was really relieving. All the hard work paid off.”
Straight out of high school, Rogers intends to attend Tarleton and then move on to Texas A&M.
“My first year I’ll be attending Tarleton and I’m going there for business,” Rogers said. “After my first year I’m transferring to A&M for business entrepreneurship. I chose business because my dad has really motivated me into becoming a businessman. I’ve watched him over the years develop Diamond R into a very successful business and I want to do something like that of my own.”
Rogers, the son of Cody and Nikki Rogers, plans to follow in the family tradition and one day open his own restaurant.
“I would like to own my own business of some sort whether it be a restaurant or something involved with food service, serving the public,” Rogers said. “My grandparents owned a restaurant, my dad owns a restaurant, so maybe one day I’ll own a restaurant.
While in high school Rogers took part in football and track. In the classroom, Rogers also cited Lancaster as his favorite teacher.
“Every day when you came in, you’d never dread her class,” Rogers said. “It was always fun, she always kept your brain thinking, she challenged you but at the same time she would help you anyway you needed it.”
Rogers also extended his thanks to those who have employed him.
“I want to thank the bosses I’ve had that were very successful people and taught me pretty much all that I know about work ethic and that if you want something work hard for it,” Rogers said.
May 18 – Blanket, Brookesmith
May 19 – May, Zephyr
May 20 – Early, Bangs
May 21 – Brownwood