Eleven patrols, from nine Scouting BSA Troops, scramble from the starting line starting at the 8th annual San Saba Mountain Campout, Saturday April 9-11.
Patrols had to complete eight challenges, during the timed race.
“The event is times as is each event,” explained Lance Anderson race Co- creator.
Each patrol chose their own strategy for competing the race.
“We chose to do the tunnel trudge and canoeing last because it was closer to the finish line,” said Luke Coonrod with Troop 200, Lampasas.
Others went to stations where the lines were the shortest.
“Scout Spirit” could be seen and heard as older scouts encouraged and cheered on less experienced scouts during the race.
Scouts could earn point that would deduct minutes from the patrol’s overall time. A favorite spot to do this was the panning challenge.
“I just kept seeing this sparkle in my pan I did not think much about it and did not have my hopes set too high, explained Aaron Bass, 15, with Troop 14- Brownwood. “When I saw the piece of gold, I was just ecstatic, I took it out of my pan set it on the ground and kept going and found another one!”
Another exciting event for the scouts was the “tomahawk challenge.”
“It was fun to throwing the tomahawks,” said Roman Delgado, 10, with Troop 14 of Brownwood. “Throwing and aiming and earning points for my team was exciting.”
The events challenge the scouts to step out of their comfort zone and experience new things.
“The tunnel trudge has an ominous feeling,” explained Gibson Coffman, 15, of Brownwood. “This is my third year. I took one cub scout through and had to hold him the entire time. Once we were through, he was wanting to do it again.”
Yet, the event is more than just a competition.
The Scouts get to reconnect with people they only see at Scouting events.
Two female troops- Troop 27 Snyder and Troop 1 Brownwood were combined to make one seven-member patrol , then they got together to help Karmen Scott, 13, of Snyder celebrate her 13th birthday at the event Campfire Saturday evening.
It was amazing to watch as the two troops formed one patrol that worked together as if they were all from the same troop.
After the race, the Troops participated trash pick up service project at the parks.
Saturday ending with an adult Dutch oven cook off and kick ball game.
The Camp out ended Sunday morning with chapel and the much-anticipated awards ceremony.
For more information on Scouting BSA go to scouting.org.